Reactor incremental Wiki

Exotic particles are earned by prestiging (The game's soft reset feature, found under the Options/Help menu).

The amount of particles gained is based on the total power created or total heat dissipated (all time totals), taking the lower of these two values. Because it is so easy to produce more power than heat, throughout the game, a player will almost always have a lower Total Heat Dissipated than Total Power produced. Thus, Exotic Particles are usually considered to be based on Heat, and all end game builds should focus on creating and dissipating as much heat as possible. Players earn their first particle at 1T power/heat.

The games creator "Lincoln Hayden" has offically stopped updating.

Exotic particles can be spent on permanent upgrades, which do persist/regained after a prestige reset.


EP = 4log( X / (1012) )

X = power or heat (whichever is lower)

It would take 1 trillion heat/power generated to get your first Exotic Particle (as 4^0 = 1).

10 trillion heat/power = 4 (=4^1) Exotic Particles...

100 trillion heat/power = 16 (=4^2) Exotic Particles...

1 Quadrillion heat/power = 64 (=4^3) Exotic Particles...

And so on.

In simple terms, 10x the heat/power = 4x the Exotic Particles.
